Monday 14 October 2013

Different Uses Of Animation


I have chosen this advert as it displays a wide range of animation within it, the entire advert is basically just an animation other than the cola bottle itself, the dragon and 2 opposing sides are all animated and both interact with the cola bottle, however, they remain animated and the cola bottle remains un-animated, this is a perfect way to display what it is that is being advertised as it stands out more on the screen.
Creative Arts
Creative arts is basically just the way in which ananimation actually moves, from each different movement there must be a whole new image there to display the image to look as though it is moving. A lot of animations which you see contain a lot of creative thinking and each different animation generally tends to have its own designer. Creative arts animation doesn't have to be a computer animated image, it can be shown through the use of a comic strip in a news paper or a comic book, the way in which this is possible is because each different drawing frame contains a whole new image displaying something different and the images in a different position/place than the one before.

Animation is used throughout a wide range of movies and games, such as Assassins Creed where you're the main character of the game and the game play is actually based on real events that have happened in the past, only difference is that have been created to be a computer animation for your own amusement, everything from the character itself and what is around him (buildings, rocks and terrains) are all animated, along with everything that you interact with, this is a key element to displaying computer animation.
Animation is actually used in a lot of areas which you would least expect it, such as in areas of education, the way in a lot of aspects get explained to those in education is actually through the use of animation, whether it being clips from YouTube of specific aspects, such as how to do something in an animated way (making it more understandable and simple). Animation is used in areas such as Power-Points, there is a wide range of animation required for this, from different slide transitions to little images that may be inserted which move about the screen.

Computer simulations and animations are basically the main way in which education gets created and taught, they are the main tools that are required. Animations display sequences to diagrams, images and number in a step by stem frame animation which makes it easier to display what is happening rather than to explain them which may be difficult. Simulations are a design of a system for a user, basically, the user enters specific details into the computer and then computer will find all of the consequences or all of the changes for that specific set of information entered.

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